Follow these steps to learn more and apply:
- Request information - Request on the program webpage to speak to our online recruitment team.
- Learn more - Speak with a recruitment specialist to learn if the program is the right
fit for you.
- Apply to Purdue - Submit your application through the online application system.
(Check for specific admission and document requirements on the program webpage.)
- Receive and confirm admission.
- Contact the tuition special rate no later than a week before the first day of the semester.
- The special rate will stay in effect until the end of the current academic year. Reverification will occur each July/August.
- Rates are not retroactive and will not apply to previous terms.
- Documentation received after the beginning of the semester is applied to the next
subsequent semester.
- Once approved and the tuition special is applied, Purdue will send an email
confirmation to the student. Please make sure you have received confirmation before
the semester starts.